To teach language is to promote the understanding of a culture – the values, beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions that are shared by a group of people.  These cultural characteristics influence the behavior of each member of that group and their interpretations of other people’s behavior.  Language is the medium to express what is shared by virtue of socialization into a given culture.

Language learning does not only include the alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar rules, but also an understanding of the cultural context within which a society behaves, its customs and norms.  Since language and culture share this intimate connection, your child will not assimilate his/her cultural understanding without learning the language and vice versa. 

GainVille Learning Center offers #Spanish, #Italian, #French, and #Arabic programs using a culturally authentic approach and a theme-based curriculum with full-immersion in the language and culture.  Language Immersion classes include PreK I, PreK II, Gr. K-2.  Language cultural programs include Gr. 3-5, Gr. 6-8.  One-on-One sessions are available for all levels up to 12th grade.  

Immersion activities include weekly lessons, thematic projects, and class discussions that weave language learning with cultural components. This language-based, cultural approach to learning ensures students are grasping new concepts while retaining old ones, leading to long term memory retention in the language.  

Our learning center and satellite programs are offered in Rutherford, Ridgewood and Franklin Lakes.  Afterschool enrichment programs are also held at public and private schools throughout New Jersey.

URCC 35 Fairmount Rd, Ridgewood  (Wednesdays & Saturdays only)
GainVille Learning Center  17 Ames Ave, Rutherford