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Your Directory
1: Enter new Directory
1: Edit this Directory Information
The information posted on this page will appear in a Directory Listing and Profile Page.
*Free listing displays your business name, address and phone Only.
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You MUST have LEGAL RIGHTS to the photos.
2: Fill in Your Contact Information:
Administrative Contact: This will NOT be displayed on the directory listing
3: Choose Your Advertiser Package
Searching for a location here will automatically add the longitude and latitude for the location.
Region: Where are you located? Choose a region (North, Central, South, Jersey Shore) AND your COUNTY.
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Your New Submission is Under Review
Thank you for your submission. We will review your directory and get back to you shortly. If you have chosen an paid Advertiser package we will contact you directly for payment details.
Want more visibility on NJ Kids Online? Consider an Advertiser Package. Contact for more information.
Your Directory has been Updated
It may take up to 30 minutes for your change to be reflected on the live website.
Want more visibility on NJ Kids Online? Consider an Advertiser Package. Contact [insert email here] for more information.
Submit your Event
All posts will be published upon approval. Your submission must be an event that is:
- family friendly and appropriate to our audience
- interesting, informative, entertaining
- open to the public
- Posts for the week and beyond may incur nominal fees
- We reserve the right to disapprove any non-event type listings. If you would like your event to be featured at the top (for a nominal fee), please email us at
Thank you for listing!
Submit your Event
Regions: Pick the county that your event is located at? Choose a region (North, Central, South, Jersey Shore) AND your COUNTY
Age Groups: Select all appropriate
Categories: Select all appropriate
Fill in the following fields if your Event occurs in a single day.
Fill in the following fields if your Event only occurs in a range of subsequent dates such as a weekend.
Fill in the following fields if your Event is a recurring event that takes place weekly.
Fill in the following fields if your Event occurs several times but not subsequently or recurring.