Are you looking for a theater camp for your tween / teenager? There are great options at the Vanguard Theater Company this summer, which offers two professionally run summer camps - Summerstock Sleepaway and VTC Kids Willy Wonka Day Camp! 

For the teen, VTC Summerstock is an intensive sleep-away program for the serious theater & musical theater performer between the ages of 12–19. Held in the beautiful foothills of the Ramapo mountains of West Milford, NJ (July 25 - August 15, 2021), VTC has so much to offer. With a staff of professional actors and directors, campers perform three fully produced shows in three weeks! In addition to show rehearsals, campers choose to take workshops in a variety of areas including: Songwriting, Shakespeare, Puppetry, Musical Theater Dance, College Prep, and more. Plus a sleepaway in the woods offer so much more in recreational activities. Your child can go swimming, boating, go archery, hiking, and of course - participate in nightly campfires. A mix of theater training and fun perfectly rounds out the camp experience. Our campers leave every summer saying it was the best weeks of the year! 

For kids ages 7-12, VTC KIDS is a performing arts day camp held at The Vanguard in Montclair, NJ (July 6 - July 30, 2021). Young actors will learn basic musical theater techniques to communicate characters, feelings, and stories, which will increase their focus and exercise their imaginations. Campers will train to believe in their creative ideas, have the bravery to express them in front of others, and learn to be supportive of their peers. They will develop trust through cooperation and collaboration – learning to accept and build on each other's creative ideas in an atmosphere of DREAM: Diversity, Reciprocity, Education, Activism and Mentorship. These are excellent skills which will serve them well onstage and off! Campers have the option of a 4 week or 3 week session. 

If this is a camp that fits your child's interests, learn more on their website or email