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The Montclair Cooperative School







65 Chestnut Street Montclair, NJ 07040

Toddlers (2-4 yrs)
Schoolkids (5-7 yrs)
Tweens (8-12 yrs)

The Montclair Cooperative School


The Montclair Cooperative School is a community of learners (Early Ages through 8th Grade) in which children are invited to take risks, question, explore, discuss, interpret, and create. They discover ways to apply learning effectively in solving problems and constructing new knowledge. We value diversity and understand that the world is composed of different people, cultures, and ideas.


We are cooperative in that everyone - teachers, students, and parents - participates in the educational process. We are progressive in that children learn by building on multi-disciplinary themes and experiences. The Montclair Cooperative School is a community of students, teachers, and parents who are dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where children flourish intellectually and where they develop exceptional social skills along with a deep sense of community responsibility.



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